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Selection of

media coverage

and interviews on  #SaferToBeMe ahead of the        20th-25th October summit 

 #SaferToBeMe 2025
 in the news 

What's it all about?

Two minute interview with Peter Darrant of Out North East and Drew Dalton of ReportOUT (courtesy of National World - Local TV) 20th February 2025 unveiling event.​​ Drew said, "The theme  is ‘local to global’ and provides an incredible opportunity for global and local communities to stand in unity with LGBTQ+ people.... across the world, who are currently facing vast rollbacks of their human rights."


​What's at stake?

Camilla Tettoni from the Rassegna Caffè Live podcast interviews ReportOUT CEO Drew Dalton with human rights researcher and advocate Rodrigo Tadeu Guimãrais Jales. Drew explains why so much is at stake as populist politicians and religious fundamentalists unite in an unholy alliance to weaponise and target the LGBTQ+ communities across the world. 19 minutes play - recorded 10th March 2025.

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What can you do?

In an interview on Pride Radio's The Peter Darrant Show, ReportOUT CEO Drew Dalton explains how to get involved in the #SaferToBeMe Summit 2025 (20th to 25th October) wherever you live in the world: the how, the why and what to do  (7 mins play) 24th February 2025 (Courtesy of Pride Radio). The Peter Darrant Show broadcasts Monday 7pm - 9pm (UK). Peter Darrant | Pride Radio 89.2FM & DAB.

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Chronicle article 20 February 2025 headline 3.png
What does it mean for the North East?  

The Newcastle Chronicle, a regional news service serving North East England, reported 21st February 2025, that the UK's first global LGBTQ+ summit could boost region's economy....

The UK's first global LGBTQ+ summit could boost the region's economy by more than £1m when it comes to the North East later this year. Launched at the Lit and Phil on Thursday morning with a 25-foot long Pride Flag, it is estimated the #SaferToBeMe summit will bring more than 500 people to the North East from across the world later this year. During the overall week-long event in October, it is estimated that it will bring £250,000 into the regional economy, and more than £1m in "positive publicity" for the region.....Read more at the Chronicle

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